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Welcome to the Fab + Fit Digital Marketplace!

Hello, lovely!

I am glad you're here!

My name is Sharae. I am a Nutritionist, Health Coach, Blogger, Speaker, and business professional! My mission is to empower and equip women with the tools they need to live their best lives by helping them create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes in the areas of health, wellness, and their mindset I began my wellness journey in 2008 by losing 50 pounds in one year, then losing an additional 10 pounds for a total of 60 pounds lost Stemming from my own experience, I created a blog in May 2016, CurlsnDumbbells, to document my journey, share what I’ve learned, and to encourage others to also begin their journey! In June 2019, I became certified as a Fitness Nutrition Specialist. In May 2020, I decided to take my education further and become a certified Nutritionist and Health Coach! My hope is that by coaching career women, creating digital products, and conducting workshops, I will continue reaching women globally and helping them achieve long term success! Yours in Wellness, Sharae Jenkins, MBA, FNS

Feel free to explore my marketplace!

  • FREE Digital Guides + Meal Plans
  • 12-Week VIP Small Group Coaching Program
  • Weekly Personalized Meal Planning Services
  • 7-Day Real Food Reset Detox Program

You can read my most recent blog post here!!

Yours in wellness,

Sharae Jenkins, MBA, FNS

Nutritionist + Women's Health Coach + Blogger + Speaker

I help career women who struggle losing weight create effective + sustainable lifestyle changes while eating food they enjoy!

Available Products

MemberVault Home Base

Welcome to the home of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC!

I help busy and ambitious women who struggle losing weight, create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes so they can finally ditch dieting, create healthier habits, strengthen their mindset, and develop a healthier relationship with food!

After experiencing my own 60 pound weight loss and keeping it off for over 10 years, I want to share with you the tools I used to help me be successful and the mindset shifts that took place that keep me focused and determined!

Again, welcome! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly!

Sharae Jenkins, MBA, FNS

Learn More About The Fab Academy VIP Group Coaching Program!

Discover a Simple and Sustainable Way to Lose Weight that Actually Works…

Without Any Fad Diets or “Quick Fixes”

If you’ve tried other diets and methods without much success (or only short-term success) it has probably left you feeling discouraged and frustrated – and you feel like it’s all your fault.   

Here’s the thing…

The secret behind those quick fixes is that they set you up for long-term failure and it isn’t your fault.

If you’re confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed by all the mixed messages out there, you’re not alone.

Every day I talk with women who feel defeated and just about ready to give up.

Can you relate?

You know you want to fit into your favorite clothes again, but you aren’t quite sure where to begin again – it’s all a bit overwhelming, and you just need reliable guidance you can trust.

You’re certainly not alone, and the good news is that I can help! You see, I’ve been there myself, so I know EXACTLY what it’s like. I also know what it’s like to be on the other side, and that’s what I want for you!

Hi, I’m Sharae and I help millennial career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes so they can ditch dieting and fit into their favorite jeans again!

In 2008, I was determined to change my life! I no longer wanted to be a fast-food eating, juice drinking, couch-potato. Ouch! But that was the truth about my situation back then. I tried diets that I could only stick to for a few months, then I would quit and gain the weight back and then some. Those diets were too restrictive, and I felt deprived. So, I would just go back to my old habits feeling like a failure.

But here’s what I realized: diets set you up for failure by presenting you with a long list of restrictions, labeling foods as “good” or “bad,” having you remove entire food groups (like carbs) or placing limits on when you can eat (intermittent fasting aka starving yourself).

Diets are not built on a foundation of sustainability. Meaning long-term, they don’t work. They may be effective in the short-term, but they don’t set you up for success five years from now and they surely don’t get to the root of your challenges with food.

They don’t focus on changing your mindset and teaching you how to form better habits. They don’t help you be in tune with your body’s hunger and satiety signals or the importance of using food as fuel/energy as often as possible, then building in flexibility so you can occasionally enjoy those more indulgent foods. Because all foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle!

After losing 60 pounds and keeping it off for over 13 years, I developed a passion to share what I’ve learned with ambitious career women like you who want to improve all aspects of their wellness, be consistent with practicing healthier habits, and get results!

Listen! I know you may be afraid to start. Fear of failure is so real! The concept of change brings out those feelings and it’s totally normal. But you don’t have to give into those feelings. Our brains are wired to keep us safe in our comfort zone. But nothing grows by remaining the same. Imagine being in the same place one year from now. If you’re ok with that, then read no further. BUT, if you know this is not where you stay, keep reading….

The time is NOW for us to get you back on track so you can reach your goals! If I can do it, you can too.

Imagine being guided through a simple, step-by-step process so you FINALLY know what to do every step of the way (without working out for hours a day or feeling deprived)! 

Here’s What Women Are Saying About my Health Coaching Programs!

P. McRae. Seattle, WA “Having a better understanding of the overall requirements of a Healthy Lifestyle helped me to change my perspective and focus on the whole life package instead of only weight. It gives me more to look forward to. I just couldn’t see that before. Thank you for your wise coaching.”

A. Young. – Lynnwood, WA “I found her to be very supportive and knowledgeable along the journey. I assumed that the meals provided would be bland, but they were surprisingly enjoyable for myself and members of my household who aren’t on a fitness journey. Our coaching sessions went beyond the normal ‘how much do you weigh this week’ conversation. They included all areas of wellness from sleep, mood monitoring, exercise and more.  I enjoyed the experience and would highly recommend Fab + Fit Coaching to others.”

Yes, it’s true – we are what we eat.  But there’s SO MUCH more to the healthy lifestyle puzzle, so when you ONLY focus on the food, you’re missing out on a critical component for reaching your goals.

As part of my program, you’ll learn SIMPLE, easy-to-implement strategies that can transform the way you look and feel – as well as help you to better understand your relationship with food, without feeling Deprived, Restricted, Overwhelmed or Guilty!

My coaching program is for you if you're ready to:

  • Achieve your goal weight, look, and feel better, reduce stress, have more energy, boost your confidence, and slip into your favorite clothes again.
  • Work towards a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.
  • Get support and accountability from someone whose been there.
  • Have the support of a community of women who are experiencing the same challenges and who can share in your wins.
  • Be more consistent with practicing healthier habits.
  • Lean how to set goals and create action steps to achieve those goals.
  • Develop a healthier mindset and more positive outlook on life.
  • Dial in on your nutrition, understand what you are eating, and how it effects your body.
  • Learn how to meal plan so that you can take the guess work out of what to eat and how much to eat.

No gimmicks, fad diets, or ‘tricks.’ We know those don’t work, right?

When you become part of the Fab Academy, you’ll discover:

  • A blueprint for lifelong success, so you maintain your ideal weight for good
  • What may be sabotaging your goals without you even knowing it
  • Time-saving meal planning tips, done-for-you meal plans with prep guides, and recipe books
  • How to simplify portion control and not feel deprived
  • How to make an easy plan for exercise that doesn’t involve spending countless hours at the gym
  • And so MUCH more!

BEST OF ALL …you’ll have my support and guidance every step of the way as you implement simple changes for life-long success!     

You will be a part of an amazing online community of women who are also on their journey towards a lifestyle change!

How this Online Group Coaching Experience Will Change Your Life:

The energy of the group and support you will receive leads to accountability, momentum, and ongoing motivation as everyone works toward their individual goals.

This will be a safe place for you to share what you’re struggling with the most when it comes to losing weight. This will be a judgement-free zone!

When you're discouraged or unhappy with your results, this community will provide the proverbial shoulder for you to lean on.

Research shows that group coaching programs are more effective for promoting weight loss. On average, people in a group coaching program lost about 7.7 pounds more than people who didn’t enroll in a group coaching program after six months.

What’s Included in the Fab Academy Group Coaching Program!

  • Initial 1:1 Intake Call and Goal Setting Session
  • Weekly One-Hour Group Coaching Calls via Zoom
  • Monthly 1:1 Support Calls to Assess Goals, Discuss Challenges, and Celebrate Wins!
  • 12 Lessons, including Lesson Worksheets, Handouts, and Action Items to help you implement what you’ve learned.
  • Access to Meal Planning Tools, including Done-for-You Meal Plans, Meal Planning Guides and Recipe Books.
  • Weekly Email Support for Accountability and Check-In.
  • NEW Resources added Monthly.
  • Option to Renew every Three Months to Help you Truly Make this a Long-Term Lifestyle Change.


  • Access to Private Group for Community, Support and Accountability
  • Additional 30-Minute 1:1 Support Calls can be Scheduled throughout the program at no extra cost!

Program Topics:

  • Supercharged Goal Setting
  • Why Diets Don’t Work
  • Fueling Your Body
  • Exercise Strategies to Maximize Results
  • Portion Control and Mindful Eating
  • Understanding and Conquering Cravings
  • Stress Management and Self-Care
  • Food and Habits to Boost Energy
  • Deciphering Food Labels
  • Mindset and Habits for Powerful Change
  • Meal Planning for Success
  • Why its Not Just About Food and Exercise

What other clients are saying about my coaching programs…..

 P. Sykes Menifee, CA“I can vouch for Sharae! She’s an amazing Health Coach. She’s helped me to see that being healthy is more than just nutrition and exercise. However, nutrition does play a key role but it’s not bland and boring food. There are key elements to get the total package ad she shows you those. Even after my time is up, I may have to sign up again. I love it that much.”

Ready to create your own testimonial?

Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be!

Get started TODAY!


Join The Fab Academy VIP Group Coaching Program

Discover a Simple and Sustainable Way to Lose Weight that Actually Works…

Without Any Fad Diets or “Quick Fixes”

If you’ve tried other diets and methods without much success (or only short-term success) it has probably left you feeling discouraged and frustrated – and you feel like it’s all your fault.   

Here’s the thing…

The secret behind those quick fixes is that they set you up for long-term failure and it isn’t your fault.

If you’re confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed by all the mixed messages out there, you’re not alone.

Every day I talk with women who feel defeated and just about ready to give up.

Can you relate?

You know you want to fit into your favorite clothes again, but you aren’t quite sure where to begin again – it’s all a bit overwhelming, and you just need reliable guidance you can trust.

You’re certainly not alone, and the good news is that I can help! You see, I’ve been there myself, so I know EXACTLY what it’s like. I also know what it’s like to be on the other side, and that’s what I want for you!

Hi, I’m Sharae and I help millennial career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes so they can ditch dieting and fit into their favorite jeans again!

In 2008, I was determined to change my life! I no longer wanted to be a fast-food eating, juice drinking, couch-potato. Ouch! But that was the truth about my situation back then. I tried diets that I could only stick to for a few months, then I would quit and gain the weight back and then some. Those diets were too restrictive, and I felt deprived. So, I would just go back to my old habits feeling like a failure.

But here’s what I realized: diets set you up for failure by presenting you with a long list of restrictions, labeling foods as “good” or “bad,” having you remove entire food groups (like carbs) or placing limits on when you can eat (intermittent fasting aka starving yourself).

Diets are not built on a foundation of sustainability. Meaning long-term, they don’t work. They may be effective in the short-term, but they don’t set you up for success five years from now and they surely don’t get to the root of your challenges with food.

They don’t focus on changing your mindset and teaching you how to form better habits. They don’t help you be in tune with your body’s hunger and satiety signals or the importance of using food as fuel/energy as often as possible, then building in flexibility so you can occasionally enjoy those more indulgent foods. Because all foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle!

After losing 60 pounds and keeping it off for over 13 years, I developed a passion to share what I’ve learned with ambitious career women like you who want to improve all aspects of their wellness, be consistent with practicing healthier habits, and get results!

Listen! I know you may be afraid to start. Fear of failure is so real! The concept of change brings out those feelings and it’s totally normal. But you don’t have to give into those feelings. Our brains are wired to keep us safe in our comfort zone. But nothing grows by remaining the same. Imagine being in the same place one year from now. If you’re ok with that, then read no further. BUT, if you know this is not where you stay, keep reading….

The time is NOW for us to get you back on track so you can reach your goals! If I can do it, you can too.

Imagine being guided through a simple, step-by-step process so you FINALLY know what to do every step of the way (without working out for hours a day or feeling deprived)! 

Here’s What Women Are Saying About my Health Coaching Programs!

P. McRae. Seattle, WA “Having a better understanding of the overall requirements of a Healthy Lifestyle helped me to change my perspective and focus on the whole life package instead of only weight. It gives me more to look forward to. I just couldn’t see that before. Thank you for your wise coaching.”

A. Young. – Lynnwood, WA “I found her to be very supportive and knowledgeable along the journey. I assumed that the meals provided would be bland, but they were surprisingly enjoyable for myself and members of my household who aren’t on a fitness journey. Our coaching sessions went beyond the normal ‘how much do you weigh this week’ conversation. They included all areas of wellness from sleep, mood monitoring, exercise and more.  I enjoyed the experience and would highly recommend Fab + Fit Coaching to others.”

Yes, it’s true – we are what we eat.  But there’s SO MUCH more to the healthy lifestyle puzzle, so when you ONLY focus on the food, you’re missing out on a critical component for reaching your goals.

As part of my program, you’ll learn SIMPLE, easy-to-implement strategies that can transform the way you look and feel – as well as help you to better understand your relationship with food, without feeling Deprived, Restricted, Overwhelmed or Guilty!

My coaching program is for you if you're ready to:

  • Achieve your goal weight, look, and feel better, reduce stress, have more energy, boost your confidence, and slip into your favorite clothes again.
  • Work towards a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.
  • Get support and accountability from someone whose been there.
  • Have the support of a community of women who are experiencing the same challenges and who can share in your wins.
  • Be more consistent with practicing healthier habits.
  • Lean how to set goals and create action steps to achieve those goals.
  • Develop a healthier mindset and more positive outlook on life.
  • Dial in on your nutrition, understand what you are eating, and how it effects your body.
  • Learn how to meal plan so that you can take the guess work out of what to eat and how much to eat.

No gimmicks, fad diets, or ‘tricks.’ We know those don’t work, right?

When you become part of the Fab Academy, you’ll discover:

  • A blueprint for lifelong success, so you maintain your ideal weight for good
  • What may be sabotaging your goals without you even knowing it
  • Time-saving meal planning tips, done-for-you meal plans with prep guides, and recipe books
  • How to simplify portion control and not feel deprived
  • How to make an easy plan for exercise that doesn’t involve spending countless hours at the gym
  • And so MUCH more!

BEST OF ALL …you’ll have my support and guidance every step of the way as you implement simple changes for life-long success!     

You will be a part of an amazing online community of women who are also on their journey towards a lifestyle change!

How this Online Group Coaching Experience Will Change Your Life:

The energy of the group and support you will receive leads to accountability, momentum, and ongoing motivation as everyone works toward their individual goals.

This will be a safe place for you to share what you’re struggling with the most when it comes to losing weight. This will be a judgement-free zone!

When you're discouraged or unhappy with your results, this community will provide the proverbial shoulder for you to lean on.

Research shows that group coaching programs are more effective for promoting weight loss. On average, people in a group coaching program lost about 7.7 pounds more than people who didn’t enroll in a group coaching program after six months.

What’s Included in the Fab Academy Group Coaching Program!

  • Initial 1:1 Intake Call and Goal Setting Session
  • Weekly One-Hour Group Coaching Calls via Zoom
  • Monthly 1:1 Calls to Discuss Your Progress, Challenges, and to Celebrate Your Wins!
  • 12 Lessons, including Lesson Worksheets, Handouts, and Action Items to help you implement what you’ve learned.
  • Access to Meal Planning Tools, including Done-for-You Meal Plans, Meal Planning Guides, and Recipe Books.
  • Weekly Email Support for Accountability and Check-In.
  • NEW Resources added Monthly.
  • Option to Renew every Three Months to Help you Truly Make this a Long-Term Lifestyle Change.


  • Access to Private Group for Community, Support and Accountability
  • Additional 30-Minute 1:1 Support Calls can be Scheduled throughout the program at no extra cost!

Program Topics:

  • Supercharged Goal Setting
  • Why Diets Don’t Work
  • Fueling Your Body
  • Exercise Strategies to Maximize Results
  • Portion Control and Mindful Eating
  • Understanding and Conquering Cravings
  • Stress Management and Self-Care
  • Food and Habits to Boost Energy
  • Deciphering Food Labels
  • Mindset and Habits for Powerful Change
  • Meal Planning for Success
  • Why its Not Just About Food and Exercise

What other clients are saying about my coaching programs…..

 P. Sykes Menifee, CA“I can vouch for Sharae! She’s an amazing Health Coach. She’s helped me to see that being healthy is more than just nutrition and exercise. However, nutrition does play a key role but it’s not bland and boring food. There are key elements to get the total package ad she shows you those. Even after my time is up, I may have to sign up again. I love it that much.”

Ready to create your own testimonial?

Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be!

Get started TODAY!

"Spill the Tea: Sipping Inspiration for the Soul" Book Collaboration

"Spill the Tea: Sipping Inspiration for the Soul" is a collection of the best TEA to be shared about life. Inspiring stories and nuggets of wisdom that will sweeten every woman’s life. Sharing one's truth can set another person free and inspire her to soar into her greatness. It's teatime!

I am honored to be one of the eight authors in "Spill the Tea: Sipping Inspiration for the Soul!"

My chapter is entitled “Anything Worth Having is Worth Working For.” In this chapter, I am spillin’ the tea on what it really takes to lose weight and keep it off…. long term. I followed the fads, I fell for the quick fixes, I made the mistake so that you don’t have to. I present the basics and show you how to execute them so that you can stop dieting and start thriving! After reading this chapter, you will have a solid foundation to help you improve your nutrition, movement, and mindset!

Included with your book purchase from me is my Project Fit Body 5-Day Program! Included in this program is your meal plan, delicious recipes, grocery list, and prep guide to help you meal prep like a pro!

Did you think I was going to spill the tea without giving you a plan to start with?! I have you covered. Sip this tea and get Fab + Fit!

BOOK PRICE= $17.95

FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE! My 5-Day Project Fit Body Program (valued at $50)!

Sharae Jenkins, MBA, FNS, born and raised in Seattle, Washington is a Certified Nutritionist, Health & Weight Loss Coach, Blogger, Speaker, and Owner of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC. Sharae began her health coaching practice out of her passion to help women who struggle losing weight, create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes so they can ditch dieting, have more energy, and regain their confidence! Her holistic coaching model helps you create healthier eating habits, find movement you enjoy, and strengthen your mindset.

Prior to starting her coaching practice, she experienced her own weight loss transformation by losing 60 pounds and keeping it off for over 13 years. She credits this achievement to her commitment to long-term health and vitality and having a “never quit” mentality!

Sharae offers a variety of services, including a 3-Month Group Coaching Program, Meal Planning Services, Recipe Collections, 7-Day Real Food Reset Program, Free eBooks, and Workshop Presentations.

She aspires to continue reaching women globally by empowering and equipping them to take control of their health, one meal, and one habit change at a time so that they can truly thrive!

Sharae is also a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Her hobbies include reading, shopping, working out, studying the Bible, visiting museums, and watching movies.

Spill The Tea - Sipping Inspiration For The Soul
Lead Author Kimberly Walker – Harrison

Learn More About My Personalized Meal Planning Service!

Hey, lovely!!

Thank you for expressing interest in the Fab + Fit Personalized Meal Planning Service!

I would love to support you with a nutritious and delicious meal plan delivered to your inbox weekly!

How can my personalized meal planning service support your health and lifestyle goals?

1) Saves you time during the week when you're either too busy or too tired to prepare a meal. Meal prepping can help you cook once and eat all week!!

2) Takes the guess work out of what to eat. You will have a professionally designed, easy-to-follow meal plan with recipes and a grocery shopping list delivered to your inbox weekly

Yeah for having structure!!

2) Helps you stay on track with your goals. You meal plan with be personalized to help you reach your weight loss goals

Your meal plan will be created based on the amount of calories you need to lose weight

I will factor in your gender, age, height, and current weight to design a meal plan that can help you lose 1-2 pounds per week, depending on your starting weight

3) Gives you variety! Skip searching online for recipes. I will do that for you and make sure your meals are delicious, nutritionally-balanced, fit your weight-loss goals and food preferences

I have over 6,000 recipes (and no, that was not a typo!) to add to your plan with new recipes added weekly. So I am confident you won't get bored with your meals!

Your grocery list will be itemized so you can be in and out of the store in a flash!

4) Helps you save money! With meals prepped, you can avoid fast food, vending machines, ordering in or dining out

Here's what my fabulous clients are saying about their personalized meal plans!

“I also know to weigh my food and the importance of not only healthy foods, but portion control.” K. Bailey – Philadelphia, PA

“Nutrition does play a key role but it’s not bland and boring food” Chef P. Sykes – Menifee, CA

“I assumed that the meals provided in the plan would be bland but they were surprisingly enjoyable to myself and members of my household that aren't on a fitness journey.” A. Young – Seattle, WA

“I have LEARNED Discipline and Consistency – I now have a WORKABLE eating plan that helps reduce uncontrolled past behavior. Saving treats for the Weekend has helped balance my out of control eating habits.” – P. McRae – Seattle, WA

"It made grocery shopping a breeze. Made my meals so much easier without having to think too hard about what to make and how much of it to cook. Highly recommend" - Chi A. - Seattle, WA

After receiving week #1 meal plan

“I’m really enjoying this meal plan! Lovely recipes and super delicious!” N. Asbury – Boston, MA

After receiving week #2 meal plan

“I can’t wait to see and try new meals. I have been having so much fun this week.” N. Asbury – Boston, MA 

After receiving week #3 meal plan

“I love the meals and options and was sharing your website link and information with a friend last night!” N. Asbury – Boston, MA

After receiving week #4 meal plan

“Definitely in a better mood, with more happy energy and better looking skin!” This client enjoys the weekly meal plans “for ease and the better feeling of knowing I have a plan in place” N. Asbury – Boston, MA

“I love the meal plans!” S. Phillips – Seattle, WA

"The recipes are quick and easy as well!" - K. Hunt - Seattle, WA


Here's what's included in my meal planning service:

  • 5-Day Weekly Meal Plan Includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + Snacks. Meal Plan is based on your calorie needs + food preferences
  • Itemized Grocery List so that you know what ingredients you need to prep you meals and help you be save time grocery shopping
  • Recipes with Photo's + Instructions + Nutrition Information (calories, macronutrients and micronutrients)+ Recommendations for Substitutions & Leftovers
  • Your Ultimate Clean Eating + Nutrition Guide to educate you on the nutrition fundamentals you need to know so that this habit becomes a lifestyle for you
  • 15 minute weekly coaching call to provide support and accountability so that you get on track and stay on track

In advance of me creating your weekly meal plan, I will ask you what worked or what we need to tweak so that you're getting a meal plan that you want to stick to!

Starting with the basics of meal prepping is what makes this journey a lifestyle change and not another quick fix!

I encourage you to review your weekly meal plan and take note of the nutrition information, portion sizes and how the meals are structured (with protein, carbs, fats, and fiber) so you can eventually create your own healthy meals with what you've gained from this experience!

Plus, you will be surprised to learn how easy meal prepping actually is!

NEXT STEP: Schedule a FREE call so you can share your goals and challenges with me. You can also ask me for more information about how this service can best support you!

I look forward to speaking with you in the near future!

Yours in wellness,

Sharae Jenkins, MBA

I'm a Certified Nutritionist, Health Coach, Blogger and Owner of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC!

I am passionate about helping career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes while eating food they enjoy!

>>Follow me on Instagram!<<

Fab + Fit Personalized Weekly Meal Planning Service

Hey, lovely!!

Thank you for signing up for the Fab + Fit Personalized Meal Planning Service!

I look forward to supporting you with a nutritious and delicious meal plan delivered to your inbox weekly!

How can my personalized meal planning service support your health and lifestyle goals?

1) Saves you time during the week when you're either too busy or too tired to prepare a meal. Meal prepping can help you cook once and eat all week!!

2) Takes the guess work out of what to eat. You will have a professionally designed, easy-to-follow meal plan with recipes and a grocery shopping list delivered to your inbox weekly

Yeah for having structure!!

2) Helps you stay on track with your goals. You meal plan with be personalized to help you reach your weight loss goals

Your meal plan will be created based on the amount of calories you need to lose weight

I will factor in your gender, age, height, and current weight to design a meal plan that can help you lose 1-2 pounds per week, depending on your starting weight

3) Gives you variety! Skip searching online for recipes. I will do that for you and make sure your meals are delicious, nutritionally-balanced, fit your weight-loss goals and food preferences

I have over 6,000 recipes (and no, that was not a typo!) to add to your plan with new recipes added weekly. So I am confident you won't get bored with your meals!

Your grocery list will be itemized so you can be in and out of the store in a flash!

4) Helps you save money! With meals prepped, you can avoid fast food, vending machines, ordering in or dining out

Here's what my fabulous clients are saying about their personalized meal plans!

“I also know to weigh my food and the importance of not only healthy foods, but portion control.” K. Bailey – Philadelphia, PA

“Nutrition does play a key role but it’s not bland and boring food” Chef P. Sykes – Menifee, CA

“I assumed that the meals provided in the plan would be bland but they were surprisingly enjoyable to myself and members of my household that aren't on a fitness journey.” A. Young – Seattle, WA

“I have LEARNED Discipline and Consistency – I now have a WORKABLE eating plan that helps reduce uncontrolled past behavior. Saving treats for the Weekend has helped balance my out of control eating habits.” – P. McRae – Seattle, WA

"It made grocery shopping a breeze. Made my meals so much easier without having to think too hard about what to make and how much of it to cook. Highly recommend." - Chi A. - Seattle, WA

After receiving week #1 meal plan

“I’m really enjoying this meal plan! Lovely recipes and super delicious!” N. Asbury – Boston, MA

After receiving week #2 meal plan

“I can’t wait to see and try new meals. I have been having so much fun this week.” N. Asbury – Boston, MA 

After receiving week #3 meal plan

“I love the meals and options and was sharing your website link and information with a friend last night!” N. Asbury – Boston, MA

After receiving week #4 meal plan

“Definitely in a better mood, with more happy energy and better looking skin!” This client enjoys the weekly meal plans “for ease and the better feeling of knowing I have a plan in place” N. Asbury – Boston, MA

“I love the meal plans!” S. Phillips – Seattle, WA

"The recipes are quick and easy as well!" - K. Hunt - Seattle, WA


Here's what's included in my meal planning service:

  • 5-Day Weekly Meal Plan Includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + Snacks. Meal Plan is based on your calorie needs + food preferences
  • Itemized Grocery List
  • Recipes with Photo's + Instructions + Nutrition Information+ Recommendations for Substitutions & Leftovers
  • Clean Eating + Nutrition Guide - Build a foundation for long-term change by learning the basics of Macronutrients, Portion Control, Dining Out, etc.

In advance of me creating your weekly meal plan, I will ask you what worked or what we need to tweak so that you're getting a meal plan that you want to stick to!

Starting with the basics of meal prepping is what makes this journey a lifestyle change and not another quick fix!

I encourage you to review your weekly meal plan and take note of the nutrition information, portion sizes and how the meals are structured (with protein, carbs, fats, and fiber) so you can eventually create your own healthy meals with what you've gained from this experience!

Plus, you will be surprised to learn how easy meal prepping actually is!

Payment Options: Securely processed via PayPal

One Month: Payment of $129 once 

Two Months: Payment of $119 per month

Three Months: Payment of $116 per month

NEXT STEPS: Make your payment for your meal plan

Once I receive confirmation of your payment you will be emailed a link to schedule your initial Meal Plan Assessment session (30 minutes)

The purpose of the assessment is to learn more about your goals and current eating habits, the kitchen gadgets you have available, your food preferences, allergies or intolerance's and what day you would like to receive your weekly meal plan

Please contact me with any questions!

Yours in wellness,

Sharae Jenkins, MBA

I'm a Certified Nutritionist, Health Coach, Blogger and Owner of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC!

I am passionate about helping career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes while eating food they enjoy!

>>Follow me on Instagram!<<

FREE Meal Prep Guide for the Career Woman with Zero Time + 6 Simple Recipes!

Hey, lovely!

I know meal prepping can look so intimidating when you’re getting started. I was also initially overwhelmed, which is why I decided to create this guide to share all the things I learned.

One of my biggest takeaways: You don’t have to prep all your meals for the week or 30 meals in one go. The key is to start off simple and identify what works best for you. 

This guide will show you:

  • How to get started
  • Kitchen essentials to make meal prepping easier
  • Time-saving grocery shopping tips
  • Four meal prep strategies to choose from
  • PLUS six simple and delicious make-ahead meals

Meal prepping saves you time, money, and helps you reduce food waste. It gives you total control over what goes in your food — leading to more nutritious meal choices in the long run. 

Meal prepping takes the guess work out of what to eat and how much to eat! 

When you come home from a busy day, the last thing you want to have to think about is, "What's for dinner?"

I have the answer for you in this free guide!

Yours in wellness,

Sharae Jenkins, MBA, FNS

I am Certified Nutritionist + Health Coach! I help career women, just like you, who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes while eating food they enjoy!

I can support you through  my 12-week 1:1 health coaching program, my 7-Day Real Food Reset Detox Program or my personalized weekly meal planning services!

>>Follow me on Instagram!<<

FREE - Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Pantry + 14 Non-Perishable Foods Recipes

Hey lovely!

I know first-hand how important your environment is to your success and commitment to a healthier lifestyle. While there may be factors that are outside of your control, your environment is the one thing you can control to make it conducive to your goals. You may be wondering “How do I begin changing my environment?”

This Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Pantry is your go-to resource to help you stock your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer with staple items that you can have on hand to easily whip up a delicious healthy meal! Having these foods on hand will also help you avoid constant trips to the grocery store throughout the week, because who has time for that? With your busy schedule, I know you don’t!

In this guide, I’m also showing you how to put together some of these ingredients to create meals you will actually enjoy! These 14 recipes rely heavily on pantry staples, dry foods and frozen produce. I included these specific recipes because there may be instances where you have little to no access to fresh food. I want you to still feel empowered to eat healthy and make the most out what is available to you at that time!

These recipes are full of flavor and nutrients while still being accessible and affordable!

  • There are enough recipes to make three meals and three snacks for 7 days for lots of variety if you wanted to use these recipes to create your weekly meal plan
  • An itemized grocery list to make shopping quick and easy if you choose to make all 14 recipes for the week

And don’t worry! These recipes are perfect for both new and experienced home cooks because they are simple and can make enough to have leftovers for a few days!

If you would like more support from me in the area of accountability, goal setting with specific and realistic action steps, and a weekly personalized meal plan, then I invite you to schedule a FREE 30-minute discovery call with me to learn more about my 1-on-1 private health coaching and Meal Planning programs!

I hope you enjoy this pantry essentials guide and the recipes as much as I enjoyed creating this resource for you!

Yours in wellness,

Sharae Jenkins, MBA

I'm a Certified Nutritionist, Health Coach, Blogger and Owner of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC!

I am passionate about helping career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes while eating food they enjoy!

I can support you through  my 12-week 1:1 health coaching program, my 28-Day Total Body Clean-up Group Challenge or my personalized weekly meal planning services!

>>Follow me on Instagram!<<

7-Day Real Food Reset Program

Hey, lovely!

Does this sound like you?

You’ve been overindulging in sugary foods, fried foods, and processed foods. So now you….

Feel tired, sluggish and bloated. Your immune system is weak, your skin is breaking out, you feel lethargic, and what’s most frustrating is you can’t release the stubborn pounds? Ugh!

If you’re shaking your head “YES!” then keep reading!

I have a super simple 7-day solution that will have you looking and feeling fabulous!

“NO” this is not a ridiculous liquid-only diet

“NO” this is not the cabbage soup diet

“NO” this is not the military diet

“NO” you will not feel deprived or restricted

You will be detoxing and resetting the right way. PLUS I give you the extra tools you need to make positive lifestyle changes that will set you up for success long after the 7 days!

I created your 7-Day Real Food Reset Program so you can hit the reset button in just 7 days simply by eating real food!

  • Detox naturally with nutritious, unprocessed foods
  • Reduce sugar cravings
  • Improve mood + digestion
  • Increase energy
  • Experience better sleep quality
  • Shed unwanted pounds

Your 7-Day Real Food Reset Program includes:

  • An Easy-to-follow Meal Plan with an itemized Grocery List and delicious Recipes
  • 5 Simple Ways to Detox
  • The Ultimate Guide to Clean Eating, including everything you will need to stock your pantry, fridge, and freezer beyond the 7 days!
  • A Portion Size Guide so you know how much to eat
  • A Meal Planning Guide so you can plan your own meals, including a Blank Meal Planning Template and Grocery Shopping List
  • BONUS! 20 Healthy Snack Ideas

Yes, your body detoxes naturally, but if you have not been filling your body with enough nutritious food, then you are slowing down your body’s natural detoxification process. This is why you have been feeling so “blah” lately

I know you want to get rid of that feeling and feel like your old self again! How do I know that?

 Because I’ve felt just like how you’re feeling right now!

So I know you want to….

Have confidence to pursue your career goals or build your side hustle

Have more energy to spend time with your family

Fit comfortably into your favorite jeans

Improve you work out performance

Be satisfied with the woman you see in the mirror

I can help make that happen for you!

Begin by committing to this 7-day reset! Once you experience results, it will become an addiction. A healthy addiction, of course! You will want to continue so that your weight loss goals become a reality!

Let this be the beginning of your success story! I included everything you need to help you create a sustainable lifestyle!

>> Program Price - $14.95<<

Ready to reset? Your results are waiting!

My name is Sharae Jenkins, MBA! I'm a Certified Nutritionist, Health Coach, Blogger and Owner of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC!

I am passionate about helping career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes while eating food they enjoy!

>>Follow me on Instagram!<<

Your Best Year Yet! A 90-Day Goal Setting Guide on Nutrition + Movement + Mindset

Hey, lovely!

I have a question for you? Have you lost weight before only to gain it all back….and then some? I don’t ask you this to make you feel bad in any way. But here's a sobering statistic: Roughly 90 percent of people who lose a lot of weight eventually regain just about all of it.

So, you’re totally not alone. I also know how frustrating it is to set out on a goal and not achieve it. Ugh!

But based on my own 60-pound weight loss experience and that of my clients before working with me, there are two key components you’re probably missing:

  • Beginning a weight loss journey, but not knowing how to set specific goals that were realistic, helped you maintain focus, and encouraged you to work smarter, not harder
  • Not taking a holistic approach. With diet culture being so pervasive, it is easy to focus solely on how fast you can lose the weight. Or falling prey to fad diets, detox tea’s, juice cleanses, and weight loss pills. But an effective approach incorporates three key areas of your life: nutrition, movement, and mindset. When you focus on all three of these key areas as the same time, you’ve created a realistic and sustainable plan that leads to long-term results

Does that sound like what’s been missing?

If so, you might be wondering, “What do I do now?”


You’d be amazed at what you can achieve in as little as 90 days! It works because it’s long enough to make significant progress and short enough to stay focused, because there’s an end in sight. Once you see how this 90-day goal setting plan all comes together, you will be amazed with your results!

Here’s how you can make your results happen:

  • 90-day goal setting plan for nutrition, movement, and mindset to set you up for success in ALL areas of your life, which will lead you to sustainable results. The visual aspect of the 90-day goal setting process enables you to see, at a glance, exactly where you’re at in your plan and how you’re tracking towards your overall goals.
  • Goal setting techniques & tips to skyrocket your success! You will be dialing in on what you really want to achieve and then creating a clear path on how you’re going to get there.
  • Worksheets INCLUDED! So that you can easily implement and organize everything.
  • Daily affirmations to keep you mentally focused. You need to keep your head in the game, because you can set all of the goals you want but if your mindset is problematic, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Get the techniques you need to make sure your goals are bullet proof!
  • “Eat This, Not That” Nutrition Guide to help you make sensible food choices without going on another diet. Learn what your body needs more of when it comes to your macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fats).
  • 6-day fitness plan. Complement your new nutrition habits with this no-equipment needed fitness plan that is also beginner friendly.
  • 21-Day Lighten Up Meal Plan. If there is one thing successful healthy eaters swear by, it is meal prep. This 21-day program will get you into the habit of meal prepping, eating clean, and feeling fabulous with three weeks of delicious meals all planned out for you
    • Each week receive a 7-Day Meal Plan, Easy-to-Follow Recipes, Itemized Grocery List, PLUS a Prep Guide to show you how to make the weekly meal plans come together so that you’re not overwhelmed. All you need to do is commit!
    • Some of my favorite recipes in the Lighten Up Meal Plan include, Sweet Potato Pancakes, BLT Spaghetti, Coconut Shrimp with Asian Slaw, BBQ Chicken with Balsamic Vegetables, Chocolate Stuffed Raspberries, Green Smoothie Bowl, Lentil Stuffed Peppers, and Hawaiian Omelet!
    • You can also choose to adapt this 21-day meal plan to your personal needs, and I will show you how

I hope you didn’t think you would be eating plain oatmeal, chicken, brown rice, and asparagus?! We don’t do boring food over here at Fab + Fit Health Coaching!

I’m sure you can tell by now that this is not just another goal setting guide.

The 90-day goal setting isn’t about rigid structure. It’s about seeing an overview of your future and planning accordingly. It allows you to build the kind of mindset that helps you pivot, be flexible, and achieve the goals you set for yourself, rather than wondering where the last 3 months have gone.

Successful people plan their lives 90 days at a time. Will you be one of them?

If you’re finally ready to stop yo-yo dieting, being inconsistent, and feeling stuck, then all you need to do is commit to this 90-day goal setting plan that takes a different approach, the approach you’ve been missing, a holistic approach!

And don’t worry, I will be checking in with you along the way to see how things are going 😊

If you’re excited about what you can achieve in the next 90 days, then CLICK BELOW to grab your 90-Day Goal Setting Guide on Nutrition, Movement, and Mindset!

My name is Sharae Jenkins, MBA! I'm a Certified Nutritionist, Health & Weight Loss Coach, Blogger and Owner of Fab + Fit Health Coaching, LLC!

I am passionate about career women who struggle losing weight create effective and sustainable lifestyle changes so that they never have to diet again!

>>Follow me on Instagram!<<

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